Hosted by popular comedian Tim Allen, Top Speed enters the lives of uncommonly fast individuals who take daring risks, go to new extremes and push the science of speed in the never-ending pursuit of human excellence and ultimate velocity. Appearing in the film are sprinter Marion Jones, mountain biking champ Marla Streb, rising racecar sensation Lucas Luhr, high performance automobile designer Stephen Murkett, and blind eleven year-old junior bobsledder Blaise Bryant. Audiences go behind-the-scenes of a high-performance race-car development center where Porsche automobiles are created, exploring the rarified territory where speed and style meet.
Produced by MacGillivray Freeman Films
Sponsored by Porsche
Hosted by Tim Allen
Features music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Runtime: 45 minutes
Format: filmed in 15 perforation/70 mm, Dome-customized 15/70
Stream the film on Movies For Families
Download the Educator Guide.
“Take your Dramamine and hang on tight. MacGillivray Freeman, the outfit behind classic IMAX films like Everest, step it up to keep pace with the fastest humans on the planet… Top Speed is a fun run in the sun…”
– Fort Worth Star-Telegram
“Love quick thrills? [Top Speed] has your fix…The film delivers what its title promises: world-class speed…”
– Charlotte Observer
“Both wildly entertaining and painlessly educational…Top Speed succeeds in replicating the adrenaline rush of speed-freak athletes with flying colors.”
– Detroit Free Press
“…as mind-boggling as it is exhilarating…”
– Calgary Sun
“Who knew education could be so fun? Top Speed will have you on the edge of your seat.”
– Arizona Republic
“…entertaining and informative…a vicarious rush.”
– Austin Chronicle