Narrated by Academy Award winner Robert Redford, Grand Canyon Adventure takes viewers on an exhilarating river-rafting expedition down America’s most iconic river, the Colorado, as it explores the history and beauty of the canyon and the river that has shaped the destiny of the civilization that grew up around it. Originally filmed in 70mm 3D with the IMAX Solido camera, the film has been digitally remastered and re-edited to make the film’s visceral whitewater rafting scenes even more thrilling and interactive for the giant screen. Leading the expedition is celebrated anthropologist/explorer Wade Davis and Shana Watahomigie, a member of the Havasupai tribe and the first Native American to become a National Park Ranger and river guide. Together they show us the significance of this hallowed, living natural wonder and the importance of living in harmony with our natural surroundings.
Presented by Teva
Proudly supported by Kohler
Produced by MacGillivray Freeman Films Educational Foundation
In Association with Museum Film Network
A Great Adventure Film
Directed and produced by MacGillivray Freeman Films
Narrated by Robert Redford
Featuring songs and music by Dave Matthews Band
Runtime: 40 minutes
Format: 15/70, 2D and 3D, 8/70, DCI-compliant digital, IMAX Digital, Dome-customized 15/70, Fulldome
The Educator Guide includes lesson plans and hands-on activities for grades 4-8. All activities developed for this guide support National Education Standards for Science, Geography, Math and English.
“Spectacular…Grand Canyon is such fun to watch with its superb, 3D quality that it’s impossible not to be more caught up, albeit temporarily, in the illusion of getting splashed than in the unsettling realities of the environmental crisis it describes.”
– Seattle Times
“Spectacular…The film shares critical information…in such a stunning fashion that you absorb the knowledge while gasping at the beauty of the adventure…The 3-D effects are both delightful and inventive—the opening sequence featuring floating water droplets is worth the price of the ticket. ★★★★ (out of 4)”
– Montreal Gazette
“Exhilarating…Grand Canyon Adventure combines panoramic beauty, adrenaline-pumping thrills and timely environmental lessons that never get in the way of the fun.”
– Boston Daily News Transcript
“…sweeping aerials, 3D effects, and rapid-charging raft shots…a thrilling ride downriver…an IMAX movie you’ll actually want to see.”
– Gentlemen’s Quarterly (GQ)
“Compelling and cautionary…gorgeous aerial shots that almost engulf you, especially in 3-D …It’s truly breathtaking.”