MacGillivray Freeman Films invites you to enjoy some of our most popular educational films on streaming platforms like Amazon Prime and Vimeo on Demand. Expand the learning beyond the screen with supplemental educational materials to accompany each film.
For Educators interested in our Virtual Field Trip packages, visit our field trip landing page.
An immersive, uplifting journey into the mysterious world of one of nature’s most awe-inspiring and acrobatic marine mammals.
Additional Educational Resources
Educational Webisodes
Six videos that cover the biology, ecology and historical impact of Humpback Whales.
Family Activity Book
Activity pages including fun facts, a word search, a maze, a coloring page and more.
Three informational images about whale migration, anatomy and fun facts, that make learning about humpbacks that much more fun!
Educator Guide
Created for grades 3 to 8 as a companion to the film with activities developed to support Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), Ocean Literacy Principles, National Geography Standards and Common Core Language Arts.
Oceanography Learning Lab
A 20 to 60-minute, customizable workshop that provides hands-on science activities to excite students about science content aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for grades 3 to 8.
Educator Trailer
Specifically targeting teacher, the video highlights how Humpback Whales aligns with curriculum standards.
Watch Humpback Whales in Spanish, French and German
Watch Behind the Scenes and Fun Fact Videos from Humpback Whales
Two celebrated ocean explorers and filmmakers travel the world documenting the planet’s coral reefs and the fascinating creatures that call them home.
Additional Educational Resources
Educator Guide
Explore the beauty and mystery of the coral reef environment with a film that both celebrates this vital ecosystem and warns of its imminent decline. Download the guide to expand the learning beyond the film.
A playful, up-close look at the dolphins of Alaska, Patagonia and the Bahamas, and the researchers working to unlock the secrets of their communication.
Additional Educational Resources
Educator Guide
This guide contains much more information about dolphins as well as a wide variety of educational activities for the classroom and the home.
A timeless celebration of the beauty and wonder of the ocean as it explores our relationship with this complex and fragile environment.
Additional Educational Resources
Educator Guide
The Living Sea celebrates the beauty and power of the ocean as it explores our relationship with this complex and fragile environment. Using the guide dive into an ocean of educational activities and lesson plans.
This inspiring celebration of innovations big and small and the amazing engineers behind them will transform how you think about engineering.
Additional Educational Resources
Hands-On Engineering Activities
Fifty hands-on engineering activities that support STEM learning for kids in grades K – 12.
Educational Videos
Take a deeper dive into the engineering stories featured in the film with this series of short videos (5 min each).
Educator Guide
These multidisciplinary activities are aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), as well as common state science objectives, for students in grades K – 12.
Educator Trailer
Specifically targeting teachers, this video highlights how Dream Big matches up with school curriculum.
Watch Dream Big in Spanish
Watch Behind the Scenes and Fun Fact Videos from Dream Big: Engineering Our World
The ultimate off-trail adventure into the nation’s untamed wilderness in places like Yosemite, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon and many more.
Additional Educational Resources
Printable Map
Family activity pages including fun facts about the parks visited in the film, and includes amazing activities to extend your adventure.
Hands On Activity Guide
Four short activities that are themed to subject matter found in the film and will help educators or families extend the film’s learning with audiences of all ages.
Educator Guide
Created for students in grades K–8 and guide focuses on the natural sciences highlighted by the film in addition to geography, history, and language arts. Activities support Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
Educator Trailer
Specifically targeting teachers, the video highlights how National Parks Adventure aligns with curriculum standards.
Watch National Parks Adventure in Spanish, French and German
Watch Behind the Scenes and Fun Fact Videos from National Parks Adventure
A jubilant cross-country journey celebrating the unique diversity of America’s musical heritage, from the birth of jazz and the blues to rock and roll and hip hop.
Additional Educational Resources
Educator Guide
The guide contains 10 humanities STEM lessons for K-8th grade. The lessons are designed to teach key language, social studies, and science standards using the STEM instructional techniques of experiential learning, investigative thinking, and model testing.
Educator Trailer
Specifically targeting teachers, the video highlights how America’s Musical Journey aligns with curriculum standards.
Watch America’s Musical Journey in Spanish, French, Portuguese, Japanese and Korean or stream on Amazon Prime
Watch Behind the Scenes and Fun Fact Videos from America’s Musical Journey
A moving look at the artist’s journey from the time of his first canvases at age 27 to his death 9 years later—a period during which he painted more than 900 paintings.
Additional Educational Resources
Activity Guide
Van Gogh’s extraordinary colors and passionate brushwork take on new life in this experiential journey. Download the guide and learn to paint like the master himself.
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